An Egyptian who fled Islam and now lives under that religion's sentence of death says the goal of global jihad simply is the takeover of the world.
Kemel said Islamic tradition teaches that those who leave Islam should be killed, and Muhammad taught, 'Whoever leaves his religion (Islam) kill him.' And while the U.S. is not governed by Islam's Shariah religious law, many fundamentalist Muslims do not see Shariah as being limited by national boundaries.
Kemel said the truth is that the events of Sept. 11, 2001, were the actions of those who were following the Quran closely.
'Sadly, I heard some of our American leaders and church pastors state that Islam is a peaceful religion, and what happened on 9/11 was done by fanatic Muslims,' Kemel said. 'These individuals ignore the fact that the main goal of Islam is to rule the world.'
He said such instructions are clear in the Quran and Islam's hadiths, or sayings that have been handed down from generation to generation.
'Muslims all over the world are working hard to achieve [the] goal of submission of the entire world to Islam. They are particularly committed to the indoctrination of youth in madrassas, special Islamic schools, particularly in Pakistan and Indonesia,' Kemel said.
He said the goal is to have at least 40 million Muslim youths who have memorized the entire Quran.
He said the 'average peaceful Muslim and moderate western Muslim' are that way 'because they have not studied the Quran.'
'If a Muslim begins to study the Quran, understands the true religion of Islam, and what true Islam requires a true Muslim to do, he will either reject Islam or he will become a Muslim committed to violence,' Kemel said.
Those who hijacked airplanes on 9/11 and killed thousands 'are not extremists from a Quranic viewpoint; only a Western viewpoint,' he said. ....