CSIA Foundation
Source: ACT for America

Our courageous friend Tom Trento ventured to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida last Tuesday to videotape a pro-Hamas demonstration. When you click on the link below to this must-see video, keep in mind, this didn’t happen in the Gaza Strip – it took place right here in America.


When you watch the video you’ll see and hear things that are offensive, deeply disturbing, and, frankly, frightening.

You’ll see signs that say “Nuke Israel.” You’ll hear a woman yell at pro-Israel demonstrators, “Go back to the ovens!!” You’ll hear vulgar profanities.

In the midst of all of this you will see a Muslim leader at the demonstration being interviewed exclaiming that once people really understand Islam they will have “no choice” but to accept it.

And remember that this latest round of violence began with Hamas breaking the cease-fire and launching hundreds of rockets into residential areas of Israel. That’s not very clear from many of the news reports of the past week. Israel has responded to defend itself, as it has every right to do.