CSIA Foundation
the courts in Delaware are considering whether to designate that Lauren is in a persistent vegetative state, even though, 'We've had doctors look at her … There are possibilities with treatments. But she's not getting treatments.'

'The state does not allow this for prisoners. If they had treated a dog this way, they would be doing jail time,' ...

'With therapy, she might be eating [by herself] within a couple months,' he said. 'Right now they're trying to hang her out to dry.'

He said he's identified treatments that could be tried and therapy that could be attempted, and he's offered to provide the care his daughter needs, but has been rejected.

'My daughter has been there for 16 months. I've had enough,' he said. 'I'm really ticked about it. This Medicaid thing is paying huge numbers to keep her in this home when she could be at my home for nothing.'

Even now, without substantive treatment, he said, 'She has been trying to sit up and also has tried to verbalize. She looks good, is loving, she cries, she can giggle, she can't talk but does try to verbalize, we can tell when she's in pain or uncomfortable.'

He previously posted a YouTube video of her, which can be seen here:

...the court-appointed lawyers have now banned him from showing any pictures or videos which reflect Lauren's condition.

... 'it is becoming increasingly apparent that persons who are suffering from severe brain injuries often have cognitive functions significantly beyond what medical science previously estimated.'

Finally, they determine, 'it is also becoming increasingly apparently that the diagnosis of 'persistent vegetative state' or 'PVS' is a category that recent science shows is far more uncertain and overly broad than had been previously thought, including a high rate of misdiagnoses of PVS patients who have not been able to exhibit responses, but whose consciousness can now sometimes be measured.'