Analyst's note: We could well be getting what we deserve. The ultimate solution to the path that OUR America takes remains in OUR hands ... as always ... for and of the people, NOT the government.
We've let ourselves be bullied into a destructive self-censorship that is killing free expression that is the very life blood of our society. And we're making sure that our children and grandchildren, the ones were supposed to love, will be born into a significantly less free than the one we were born into. Don't you feel proud of yourself? They'll pay the price for our hypocrisy, dishonesty, and cowardice. They'll find out the hard way that no truer words were ever spoken than, "You don't know what you've got until it is gone."
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As of Feb 26, 2009: Islamists have always dreamed of the Islamic super-state, the Caliphate-state/Ummah/Kaliphah.