Analyst's note: I honestly believe this is a state sovereignty issue. We have just now been given word, yet unconfirmed from any other source, that federal agents have about "eighty miles of motels filled up." If true, the federal gov't may well be staging for yet other events. There is a case showing that the federal gov't has no authority in this matter even if a tortoise is involved. Congress needs to rein-in "Prince" Harry Reid along with their other progressive operatives. Don't miss the BLM whisle blower comments.
If federal actions in this matter are beyond the enumerated powers in the Constitution, and I believe it is, then any law by the federal government in this matter is without authority. If I dress up as a sheriff, with a uniform and badge as well as drive a car with the words sheriff on the side, any action I might take as "sheriff" is without authority and thus invalid. What is the difference?