Analyst's note: IRS attacks critics of Obama & BOTH Clintons. Hillary Clinton, is considered the Democrat’s leading presidential contender in 2016. These are instruments of war and subjugation. Yes, we have experienced similar actions in our nation's past. We knew then, as we know now what must be done to solve the problem.
The action indicates the IRS still feels free to pursue conservatives with impunity, even after all the adverse publicity it has received since former tax-exempt division chief Lois Lerner revealed last May that the department had improperly targeted conservative groups applying for 501(c)(3) status.
[....] “The authoritarianism of the federal government should frighten every American. The new slogan of big government has changed from ‘we won’t listen,’ and it has become ‘you can’t speak.’”
[....] Despite the brazenness of the IRS in giving its tax-exempt “death-penalty” to the PHC (Patrick Henry Center), the news was met with an almost deafening silence by conservatives.
[....] the IRS went from defense to offense, and instead of just stalling applications, went on the attack.
That seemed to be what Lois Lerner and the Justice Department had in mind, when it wasrecently revealed how they plotted how to prosecute conservatives for merely exercising their rights to free speech.
Even more ominously, the order to have the IRS dig up information to prosecute conservatives was given to the Justice Department’s director of the Election Crimes Branch of the Public Integrity Section by “someone” higher up in the chain of command.
That means the orders either came from someone in a position of top authority at the Justice Department, or, someone at the White House.
Also see The Biggest Secret About Banking Has Just Gone Mainstream.
This is the most important secret about modern banking … because it debunks one of the biggest myths preventing a strong economy, challenges one of the main pork barrel profit centers for big banks … and opens up incredible opportunities for a prosperous economy.
Patrick Henry Speech: Give me liberty or give me death! Absolutely must hear. On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry offered resolutions in the Richmond convention to organize the militia and put the colony in a state of defense against enemies foreign and domestic. The resolutions met with great opposition, and in supporting them he made this address.