Analyst's note: Learn a little more about the rest of the story. All this while Al Qaeda magazine hints of looming attack; urges bombing of Vegas, military targets. Also see Muslim groups demand mandatory retraining of all federal, state, local law enforcement officials who may have learned truth about jihad. Wow. A retired top military officer just revealed that Obama is forcing our military generals to keep quiet about huge national security issues... and he knows exactly why.
"... Barack Obama does not care about the truth; he cares about messaging and politics."
Also see Feds Want to Treat School Lunches as a National-Security Concern
It is becoming increasingly clear to the American people that President Barack Obama does not care about the truth; he care about messaging and politics.
Obama and his allies on the left have lied to the nation about countless issues, from Obamacare to the radical Islamic terror attacks against Benghazi on September 11, 2012, because an electorate with actual knowledge of the truth as America’s Founders envisioned would not hesitate to vote the leftists out of office as soon as possible.
Now comes a report of another example of President Barack Obama doing all that he can to keep the truth from the voting public, this time about the dangers posed to the nation by the Islamic State terrorists.
According to Fox News video available from gopthedailydose, Obama has once more changed the narrative, forcing his top generals to walk back statements made only last week about the grave and “immediate” danger posed by the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, to American interests at home and overseas.
Retired Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters says it’s clear that Obama officials “took [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey] behind the woodshed and for an extended period,” because he committed a terrible offense in the eyes of this president.
Click here to watch Megyn Kelly expose the lies of President Obama and his liberal Democrat allies.
“General Dempsey committed the greatest sin you can commit in the Obama administration last week,” Peters said. “He told the truth.”
Dempsey’s statements last week contrasted strongly with the president’s description of the ISIS terrorists earlier this year as a “JV team,” and, if the general is right, the administration would have to take action to stop the threat. That would prove that Obama had been wrong all along is his withdrawal from Iraq, and this president never admits his mistakes.
Therefore, Peters says, “with a wave of the ‘president’s’ magic golf club, we’re back to well, it’s not an immediate threat, it’s not a threat to the U.S.”