Analysts' note: Most of you already know, but will appreciate the reenforcement provided here:
"As you listen to the president try to explain himself tonight, you are going to hear a lot about how his plan is just a sensible exercise of prosecutorial discretion — how he is just using the sparse resources Congress gives him to enforce the law in more efficient ways. It will sound unobjectionable — even appealing.
But understand, it will be lawless and an invitation to waves of law-breaking. Obama is not merely prioritizing crimes; he is equating his non-enforcement of congressional statutes with the repeal of those statutes. He is not merely ignoring some lawbreakers so he can pursue others; he is declaring that categories of non-Americans of Obama’s unilateral choosing have a right to break our laws and be rewarded for it.
That is not prosecutorial discretion. It is a lawless betrayal of the president’s constitutional duty to execute the laws faithfully."
Click HERE for the rest of the story. Then read on and learn why many broadcast networks are skipping Obama's speech
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