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You read it correctly, in addition to other enemy friendly activity such as purging training materials of all traces of truth about Islam and jihad , the FBI is now counseling our Islamist enemy.  What could possibly go wrong?

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The FBI is going into the counseling business.

Jihad style.

The Obama administration has launched a new approach to deal with potential ISIS supporters in the United States and it will require the FBI to offer therapy for the would-be jihadists.

And an even more disturbing aspect of the plan is that there are “thousands of Americans” who fall into this category.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

Faced with a wave of potential homegrown Islamic State supporters, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is embarking on a new approach with some suspects: putting them in counseling rather than handcuffs…

Proponents of the intervention model say it provides a possible “off ramp” from radicalization and addresses a hard truth: The FBI cannot effectively investigate all of the thousands of Americans who are believed to be interested in Islamic State, also known as ISIS.

“Fox & Friends Weekend” reported that officials said up to 10 percent of potential terror suspects will be recommended for counseling instead of arrest, with teenage suspects being a prime targets.

That’s right, instead of arresting the budding terrorists, the U.S. government will provide a comfortable couch instead — but don’t worry, those attending counseling will continue to fall under the watchful eye of the FBI.