This is treason. This president has gone so far rogue that any other man in his position would have been impeached long ago. Everyone in Congress is either afraid to do anything about it, quite simply because they don’t want to be part of taking down the first black president, or they are complicit and traitors themselves.
Every American should be infuriated! Thanks to Pamela Geller at D.C. Clothesline, as well as other sources, we learned that the Obama administration is allowing the Sharia Law compliant United Nations to start establishing a presence in American cities with a Global Police Force, ostensibly to fight extremism, called the Strong Cities Network.
First of all, our cites already have police forces. Also, the American people are very well armed. American civilians have more arms than the rest of the world combined. There is nothing that the U.N. has to offer us that we don’t already do better. The level of unconstitutionality this reaches is beyond belief. The Constitution does not enumerate any authority to the federal government to police Americans, let alone bring in foreign militaries to do it. It doesn’t matter what false premise the Obama Administration uses to justify it. There is no justification that passes Constitutional muster.
Even if policing were not the plan for the U.N. Global Police Force, allowing any foreign military presence to base itself on American soil would require a treaty. The U.N. does not hold any authority over the United States of America on our soil. According to Article 6, The Constitution and any treaties made under the authority of the United States are the highest law in the land. The only way this could pass a constitutional smell test would be for a treaty to be made with other nations, agreeing to this police force. But we know there is no such treaty, because Obama doesn’t make treaties, he makes unconstitutional DEALS, aka Executive Agreements, as he did with the Iran Nuke Deal. Making a treaty requires 2/3 of the Senate to Consent. Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, while describing the powers enumerated to the President says, “He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.” When did 2/3 of the Senate concur with quartering foreign soldiers on American soil?
This is treason. This president has gone so far rogue that any other man in his position would have been impeached long ago. Everyone in Congress is either afraid to do anything about it, quite simply because they don’t want to be part of taking down the first black president, or they are complicit and traitors themselves.
I urge everyone to contact your congressmen, both your representatives in the House and your two Senators and demand this be stopped! This cannot happen! We can’t just roll over and allow our country to be invaded by a foreign army while our treasonous President Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, laugh about it. Nothing that this administration has done so far, no matter how vile, evil, treacherous, or treasonous should scare you more than this. The Iran Nuke Deal was chump change compared to this, but it set the unconstitutional precedent for Executive Agreements to take the place of treaties, so that this could happen. Call your Congressmen! Write to your Congressmen. Do the same with your governors, state legislators, mayors, sheriffs and police chiefs. Contact everyone. Make them all aware and put a stop to this. This isn’t a matter of drawing a line in the sand. There can be no line in the sand, because these foreign warriors can’t be allowed to even step foot on our sand. The line has to be drawn in the ocean.
Giving credit where it is very much due and very much appreciated, I am posting the text for the Department of Justice Release below, copied from the D.C. Clothesline link from Pamela Gellar. We owe Ms. Gellar a deep debt of gratitude for staying on top of these things! Please visit her site for more details on the story itself. My post is less about the details, which are already available, and more for the purpose of explaining its unconstitutionality and garner a call to action! Spread this and share it EVERYWHERE!
Also, remember that it is your responsibility to protect yourself. Police are never there when you need them. Some police it seems will be here even though we DON’T need them. Embrace your right as an American to keep and bear arms. If you do not own a gun, buy one. If you do own a gun, buy another. Join classes for various types of gun training, such as safety and self defense. It’s fun for the whole family!