CSIA Foundation

In order to avoid showing the public how many refugees the administration is bringing into the states, the U.S. government is flying them in privately via UPS flights and housing them on military bases, some decommissioned. The Washington Times has the story:

Also see  At What Point Do You Obama Loyalists Begin Asking ‘Why’?

We  are paying for all this .....


In this July 12, 2014, photo, migrants walk along the rail tracks after getting off a train during their journey toward the U.S.-Mexico border in Ixtepec, Mexico. The surge in unaccompanied minors and women with children migrating from Central America has put new attention on decades-old smuggling organizations.  (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)


The Pentagon is beginning “site assessments” of six military bases, some as far north as North Dakota and Massachusetts to house a new wave of illegal immigrants that have entered the U.S. via Mexico illegally. A Pentagon memo to Rep. Martha Roby, Alabama Republican, detailed the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s plans to expand its shelter capacity.

Other bases being considered for expanded shelters include Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla.; Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D.; Naval Support Activity Philadelphia, Penn.; Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass.; and Travis Air Force Base, Calif., according to the email sent to Ms. Roby. Another 1,600 beds are being set aside at the Homestead Job Corps, in Florida and the Denver Federal Campus in Lakewood, Colo.

Ms. Roby, who has previous led a fight to block the Obama administration from sheltering youths at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base near Montgomery, Ala., said she is preparing for another fight on this issue in the House.