CSIA Foundation

Note the heavy involvement of the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama, the Clinton Familly and key associates.  We also note In Congress, the then-bipartisan group known as the “Gang of Eight,” at a minimum, knew of the operation to aid and abet America’s jihadist enemies by providing them with material support.

Stand Up America Editor’s Note – As we learned from another Breitbart article from November 30, 2015, the Obama administration pursued a policy in Libya dating back to 2011 that ultimately allowed gun running for jihadists.

These Jihadists were linked to the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) and al-Qaeda (AQ) in Syria according to a former CIA officer who co-authored a report on behalf of the Citizen’s Commission on Benghazi (CCB), detailing the gun running scheme.

Clare Lopez


In Congress, the then-bipartisan group known as the “Gang of Eight,” at a minimum, knew of the operation to aid and abet America’s jihadist enemies by providing them with material support.

Clare Lopez, a former CIA officer and the primary author of CCB’s interim report entitled How America Switched Sides in the War on Terror was speaking with Breitbart News:


The United West: Clinton-Obama Benghazi Gun Running Operation Exposed

By Breitbart TV – Breitbart News

(THE UNITED WEST) Clare Lopez of the Center for Security Policy, a member of the Benghazi Citizen’s Commission and former CIA intelligence officer, exposes Benghazi as a complete national security disaster resulting from the lack of leadership from President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.