The world’s demand for LNG has drastically increased as LNG has the flexibility of supply to meet global energy demand in a time of rising energy prices. The next few years will witness fast development of the global LNG infrastructure, with the number of LNG terminals nearly tripling and the frequency of LNG tanker shipments increasing dramatically. The LNG infrastructure security market is forecasted to grow from $1.5 billion in 2008 to $4 billion in 2014 at a CAGR of 18%.
The global LNG shipping, handling and storage infrastructure is extremely vulnerable to a terrorist attack, which if successful, could have catastrophic results both in terms of lives lost and economic impact. Securing this infrastructure is quickly becoming a top national security priority.
HSRC analysts have noted that there is a widening gap between LNG infrastructure development and awareness of the security establishment of this emerging market niche. There is therefore an open and growing business opportunity in:
- Perimeter security
- Maritime security
- People screening, Biometrics and RFID
- IT & C3I systems
- Service and upgrade
- Guarding Services