Compiler's note: A must read - must see item. I received a heads-up on this from a fellow Marine. This is long, but seriously, take fifteen minutes of your day to watch this 1985 Interview with ex-KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov.
Then remind yourself who will be in office come January ...and his affiliations and political tendencies...and then let it scare the pants off you....Yuri explains how 'ideaological subversion' works and explains how the enemy among us is working to destroy us; the agenda is to change the perception of reality, a great brainwashing process which takes 15 to 20 years, to destroy our society from within. The Soviet Union had tremendous success with this method, America is in (possibly) a stage of self-destruction.
Click on the title of this article for the video.
***Listen very clearly when you get right around 12:29 minute mark.
Semper Fidelis,