Timmerman's article reveals extremely disturbing evidence that foreign nationals from the Muslim world are trying to influence our presidential election through illegal contributions to the Barack Obama campaign. We're not talking a few dollars here. As Timmerman notes, the Federal Election Commission has compiled a list of questionable foreign contributions totaling nearly $34,000,000! I urge you to read the entire article.
The 'mainstream media' has virtually ignored this issue, in spite of the many, many news reports coming out of the Middle East and Muslim world that document the strong support Barack Obama has there. On WABC radio, April 13, 2008, Ahmed Yousef, political advisor for the Hamas terrorist organization, said 'We like Mr. Obama and hope that he will win the election...' There have been reports that Hamas was running phone banks into the U.S. during the Democratic nomination campaign urging American Muslims to vote for Obama.
It's bad enough that billions in Saudi money have been spent to set up Middle East studies programs on American college campuses that indoctrinate students in a whitewashed, sanitized version of Islam that covers up its violent history and the supremacist doctrines of political Islam.
Have we reached a point where petro-dollars in the hands of Muslim foreign nationals are trying to buy a presidential election as well? Whether one supports Obama or McCain is not the issue. If there's evidence of massive amounts of foreign contributions to McCain, we'll report that.
The issue is we are Americans first, and the prospect of foreign nationals trying to illegally influence our election process should be something that every American should oppose and want exposed, regardless of political party affiliation or candidate preference.