And yet, Western leaders and thinkers often describe them as moderate, potential allies against the more radical elements,such as al-Qaeda.
'Muslim Brotherhood Website: Jihad Against Non-Muslims Is Obligatory,' from MEMRI, October 17:
On a website devoted to Ramadhan, the Muslim Brotherhood posted a series of articles by Dr. Ahmad 'Abd Al-Khaleq about Al-Walaa Wa'l-Baraa, an Islamic doctrine which, in its fundamentalist interpretation, stipulates absolute allegiance to the community of Muslims and total rejection of non-Muslims and of Muslims who have strayed from the path of Islam.This 'doctrine' is as old as Islam itself, and has been articulated and stressed by any number of Islamists, such as Ayman Zawahiri, who wrote some sixty pages dedicated to this doctrine (see The Al Qaeda Reader for a translated version).
In his articles, the writer argues that according to this principle, a Muslim can come closer to Allah by hating all non-Muslims - Christians, Jews, atheists, or polytheists - and by waging jihad against them in every possible manner.Stealth, tongue, sword, money, propaganda, lies (taqiyya), you name it.
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