CSIA Foundation

Comment by Jerry Gordon

semi-trailer-trucks.jpgA tip of the chapeau to Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch for sending us this story. Here is a dangerous scam prosecuted by the US Attorney in Kansas City, Missouri involving a cabal of Bosnians and Somalis and a commercial drivers school getting false commercial drivers licenses to these brothers in the ummah to hustle semi-trailers down the Interstate carrying what? So, what was Muslim Brothers and Sisters Trucking doing with these fraudulent driving licenses? Were they shipping AK-47’s as we posted on a story out in Fort Wayne, Indiana or perhaps Khat, a class A drug favored by Somali Muslims in several different cities in the US or perhaps counterfeit brand name clothes to sell on the black market and cop the profits to send home to Muslim charities fomenting terrorist groups? Who knows? Is this the ground version of those civilian pilot training schools that the 9/11 perpetrators attended here in the US? Worthy of an investigation if the FBI had its head screwed on properly.

Just Look at the list of those indicted in this Kansas City report and make up your own scenario. ...