Don't believe Barack Obama's grandmother? Don't believe the ambassador to Kenya? How about Barack Obama's own Cabinet member?
That's right – former presidential candidate and Obama's choice for secretary of commerce, Gov. Bill Richardson, slipped up. In an effort to reach out to the Hispanic community, he admitted what Barack Obama has been trying to hide all these months: 'Barack Obama is an immigrant.' See it for yourself:
You don't need a translator to understand what Richardson admitted: Barack Obama is NOT a natural born citizen. That means we have a guy who's planning to take over the White House who is in direct violation of the Constitution. And his own Cabinet member says so. T It is ridiculous – ridiculous that the Constitution means so little that we can't even ensure that it's being followed. hat's pretty big news, one would think. But the media has refused to cover it with anything more than a blurb laced with a 'this is ridiculous' tone.It's ridiculous that the story of the century is being ignored by those whose job it is to report it.....