CSIA Foundation

by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired

The United States as we have known it for more than two hundred years, has been characterized by independence from foreign domination. Here one has historically had the freedom to be all that one can be, and the opportunity to succeed or fail.

Until the middle of the last century the nation was fairly well insulated from foreign intervention by two vast oceans. With the passage of time and inventiveness that came out of WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the Cold War, those distances have seemingly vanished, and time to traverse them has shrunk to minutes in the space age; and, with the end of the Cold War America's doors were thrown open wide.

This has always been a nation of immigrants, but in the heady days that followed the end of the Cold War, economic prosperity and the need for sources of cheap labor, the nation averted its gaze from the flood of illegal immigrants from around the world.

Included in that flood were 19 young men from the Middle East who had a deadly agenda that put into motion the War on Terror. Only those who deny reality or were too young to know what happened on September 11th, 2001, are oblivious to the danger that spelled for the United States.

What the hell!

Every liberal knows that it was all our fault. Bill Clinton as President for the previous eight years and less than nine months of GW Bush put them over the edge, they just couldn't help themselves, poor bastards.

Whether the President and Congress were right to invade Iraq as the main front of the War on Terror is all but irrelevant at this point in history. We are where we are, and that is in the middle of a fight, the success upon which hinges the nation's future. So, we'd better win, and win it right.

Never before in history has there been such a concerted effort by well meaning but misguided and stupid Americans, lead by the political left (who themselves are not misguided at all, they are dangerous and have a very definitive agenda; and that is to totally change America) and what has become its propaganda arm, the mainstream media, to make a radical change in the course of the ship of state.

The War in Iraq is succeeding day by day thus making it possible for Iraqis to assume increasing responsibility for its security.

Consequently, the focus of the media and political debate has turned inward to the economy.

It is interesting to note that from 2001-2006 the economy recovered from the Clinton recession, flourished and only upon the seating of a majority of Democrats did problems begin to strike. No question it has taken a downturn after 18 months of talking it down by the left and the not so co-incidental timing of ballooning, now collapsing gasoline prices, bursting of the sub-prime mortgage bubble, collapse of overextended banks as well as the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac debacle topped off by a thirty per cent drop in the stock market; if one were astute, one would note that all of that has occurred since the election of the Democrat Congress. I'll bet even Democrats have made the connection.

If one takes the time to do so, one recognizes that there are basically two opinions as to how the nation should function. One is as a Constitutional free market where market forces operate to expand or contract the economy based on supply and demand or some facsimile thereof. The other is a Socialist government-controlled economy where the government owns, plans and controls the marketplace and personal freedom that would otherwise operate in its own interest.

We have just witnessed the single largest government intrusion into the market place in history. Whether it was the right thing to do will be determined by the results 10 to 20 years hence and the extent to which free market forces are allowed to function. By bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac without any consequences to those at every level, from borrower to corporate management and Congressional oversight, Americans forfeited the opportunity to fail as well as to succeed. Both are essential for a vibrant economy, and everyone should have that opportunity with all the risks and rewards that flow from it.

The great economic opportunities that Americans have enjoyed for over two hundred years are now in the balance. If one reads even a modicum of history, one recognizes that it is axiomatic that hand-in-hand with economic opportunity is personal freedom, and to the extent that Government controls one, it inherently controls both. The freedoms that Americans enjoy under their Constitution have been and remain the envy of the world.

I despise robber barons who take what they do not earn, where manipulation is rewarded with monetary wealth, but spiritual emptiness. Witness, Ken Lay, Mr. 'I didn't know what was going on,' but who encouraged employees to invest millions of their incomes and savings all the while knowing full well that Enron was on its way to collapse. He is but one despicable example, and there are plenty of others, including the fired heads of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac both of whom are or were advisers to Senator Obama's campaign.

It is fascinating, if not infuriating that a dictator to the South would tell us that we need to rewrite our Constitution, one supposes along socialist or communist lines. Is it surprising that Obama wants to sit down with Hugo Chavez without pre-condition?

As one who did his time in the hell of Vietnam and has an abiding love and appreciation for our Armed Forces, the Constitution and Nation that they uphold and defend, to walk away from Iraq at this juncture is not only an insult, it would be one more nail in the nation's coffin. The first nail was painfully and clearly driven by the Democrats in 1975 when they cut off funding for the beleaguered people of South Vietnam; with Harry Reid and Senator Obama using the same logic if not the same words with regard to Iraq that were used during that cowardly abandonment.

Senator Obama's desire to take from those who work for a living and 'spread it around' to those who don't is the worst economic nightmare that has come upon this country. Ever! As a small business owner whose gross receipts are well over $450k, but whose net is near zero in the present economy, and who has both faith and hope that hard work and ingenuity will eventually lead to economic prosperity, Obama's economic plan would shut down the business and millions like me if not put me immediately into bankruptcy.

Those who argue that we should 'totally change the system' so that everyone is equal would take away both initiative and freedom. Why should one work 16 hours a day for years if by staying home one keeps more money than by working? How about the ones whose livelihoods would also be terminated absent the work that ones small business generates for them? How about the cash flow through the local bank that is convertible into loans for others?

Those who have a guilt complex over slavery and are basing their planned vote accordingly, need to get over it. Slaves were released nearly 150 years ago. Trillions of dollars have been spent to advance their economic well being, but too many hang onto the past with a vengeance, and that's too bad for everyone. Too many of them believe the nation that expunged the scourge of slavery, that initiated Affirmative Action and thousands of 'programs for the underprivileged,' and that awarded them sub-prime loans, continues to owe them. So their Messiah-in-Chief, Robin Hood, Barrack Hussein Obama plans to take from those who work and distribute it to those who don't. Give me a break!

I support John McCain and Sarah Palin because:

1. They are committed to the Constitutional intent of forming a more perfect union.

2. Committed to appointing Federal Judges who will use their knowledge and experience to uphold and defend the Constitution as it is written, not as liberals would have it be.

3. Committed to preservation of the freedoms that are spelled out in the Constitution's 'Bill of Rights,' in particular the Tenth Article of Amendment. Liberals, look it up.

4. They are committed to insuring that no nation or person will imperil this nation, from without or from within. The former is easy, but the latter more difficult given the 'criminal' stupidity of so many Obama lemmings.

5. They are committed to fostering an environment wherein the economy can flourish through lower taxes and less government intrusion in Americans' lives. Obama's plan would put millions out of business; but the truth is it won't fly. Nor, incidentally, will he.

6. They are committed to making certain that every American now and for generations to come have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams. Under the Obama plan, dreams would be 'spread around.'

7. They are committed to the protection of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Given the Obama agenda, if one is a fetus, run for cover.

If one is a live born botched abortion baby, hope for a compassionate nurse. If one is a sexual pervert, relax your dreams would have come true. If one lives in Kenya, stand by for possible construction of the eastern White House. If you live in Israel, dig your shelters deep because, according to Jesse Jackson you would be abandoned. Shame on any American Jew who would even think of voting for Obama.

I oppose B.H.O., a nice guy but personally empty suit and painfully misguided socio-economically, while continuing to struggle with and for his identity. (Yes, I heard Obama's buddy Louis Farrakhan tell Americans and the world that Obama is the Savior.) It's no wonder that Obama is screwed up. He is a pathetic lost soul, the leader of lost souls who don't even know it, nor do they want to know. If one chooses not to believe me, read his books.

Actually, I like Obama and would vote for him if he had his head screwed on straight, but he doesn't and therefore serious and responsible Americans will flood the polls and will not elect Obama as President in his present lost state.

And that, dear reader are a number of the reasons that I support, work for and will vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Semper Fidelis

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