Cut off all medical, educational, legal and housing benefits to illegal aliens immediately. Deport all illegal immigrants now in jail.
Arrest, indict and try the CEOs and CFOs of Wall Street firms suspected of financial misdeeds.
Seize the assets of CEOs and CFOs when their chicanery is proven. Turn their ill-gotten gains over to the American people.
Fire Chris Cox, the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, for his criminal negligence in allowing Wall Street to rape the American economy.
Replace him with Eliot Spitzer, who, before he was taken down by the money changers, was the only one going after the criminals on Wall Street.
Stop the Federal Reserve from bailing out multi-billion dollar companies at the taxpayers' expense.
Fire Ben Bernanke and let him get a job at NYU Film School.
Fire Hank Paulson and let him get a job as a celebrity chef.
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