(Compiler's note: Quoting Bob Weimann, former commander of Kilo Company, 3/1 Marines in an article found below:
I worked on the military defense team for the 1st Lt. Andrew Grayson case who was acquitted of all his 'non-sense' charges. I really like LtCol Chessani and his case has been going well. I'm all about supporting ALL our Haditha Marines but in my opinion, the one who ALSO needs our help is SSgt Wuterich (http://www.frankwuterich.com/). One of his motions that was granted is still under appeal (and has been for months). He's the little guy with the BIG charges.
I have done a few cases with one of his defense attorneys - Neal A. Puckett who is a civilian (retired USMC LtCol) and he's the best of the best (personal opinion). Mark Zaid is his other civilian attorney who is also an AFCIA Member and is awesome. LtCol Vokey (Western Regional Defense Counselor) has about two days left in the USMC where he is retiring and returning to Texas. The USMC is not allowing him to remain on Wuterich's case. The loss of LtCol Vokey is the biggest loss the USMC has seen since Chester Puller! He's not only a great military defense counselor, he's a GREAT leader. I have witnessed him mentor young military attorneys into mini-Johnny Cochran's! If he can keep 'me' on track, you KNOW he's got the power of persuasion
Semper Fi; Never Say Die ! ! !
Name Protected
For the the Case for a Combat Squad Leader: SSgt Frank Wuterich in Haditha click here
The site 'Defend Our Marines' is the most extensive storehouse of Haditha related material anywhere. -- click here.
'When we look at the Haditha case, there are a few things we need to remember about combat. Combat is a matter of quick decision-making. Make the correct decisions and you live; make the wrong decisions and you die. Time for discussions, questions, evaluations and “do-overs” is normally not allowed in combat (and if they are allowed, they are conducted by survivors and therefore tend to be very one sided).'
In response to my earlier post today on LtCol. Chessani needing help, I receive a number of nice responses. Here is an e-mail I received from a Federal Contract Investigator regarding SSgt Frank Wuterich that also needs to be shared: )Bob,
I worked on the military defense team for the 1st Lt. Andrew Grayson case who was acquitted of all his 'non-sense' charges. I really like LtCol Chessani and his case has been going well. I'm all about supporting ALL our Haditha Marines but in my opinion, the one who ALSO needs our help is SSgt Wuterich (http://www.frankwuterich.com/). One of his motions that was granted is still under appeal (and has been for months). He's the little guy with the BIG charges.
I have done a few cases with one of his defense attorneys - Neal A. Puckett who is a civilian (retired USMC LtCol) and he's the best of the best (personal opinion). Mark Zaid is his other civilian attorney who is also an AFCIA Member and is awesome. LtCol Vokey (Western Regional Defense Counselor) has about two days left in the USMC where he is retiring and returning to Texas. The USMC is not allowing him to remain on Wuterich's case. The loss of LtCol Vokey is the biggest loss the USMC has seen since Chester Puller! He's not only a great military defense counselor, he's a GREAT leader. I have witnessed him mentor young military attorneys into mini-Johnny Cochran's! If he can keep 'me' on track, you KNOW he's got the power of persuasion
Semper Fi; Never Say Die ! ! !
Name Protected
For the the Case for a Combat Squad Leader: SSgt Frank Wuterich in Haditha click here
The site 'Defend Our Marines' is the most extensive storehouse of Haditha related material anywhere. -- click here.