This now available from the U.S. State Department: '2009 Mosques of America Wall Calendar: Limited Edition for Ramadan.'
'Yep, you read that correctly. It's 'perfect for Muslim outreach efforts,' according to a commentary at the Gates of Vienna blog. 'Where's the ACLU on this one?'
State Dept. promotes 'Mosques in America'
Publishes '09 calendar featuring worship sites for only 1 religion
Posted: July 18, 2008
12:10 am Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
This now available from the U.S. State Department: '2009 Mosques of America Wall Calendar: Limited Edition for Ramadan.'
'Yep, you read that correctly. It's 'perfect for Muslim outreach efforts,' according to a commentary at the Gates of Vienna blog. 'Where's the ACLU on this one?'
Screen capture of State Department's offering of 'Mosques of America' calendar |
The product was being advertised by 'Global Publishing Solutions,' a division of the U.S. State Department, until bloggers started talking about it.
Officials then apparently hid the page behind the security of a password-protected wall. However, the page is still viewable in a Google cache of the website. ...