CSIA Foundation
(Compiler's note: On a lighter note... rca)

MUNCIE, Ind. - Ball State University is preparing to recreate Orson Welles' 1938 broadcast of 'The War of the Worlds' that sparked panic among some listeners who thought Earth was being invaded by aliens.

Indiana Public Radio General Manager Marcus Jackman said the re-enactment on Thursday night, 70 years after Welles' broadcast, will be a treat for attentive, creative listeners.

He's expecting a much more positive response than that incited by the original broadcast.

With the state of today's technology, organizers said it's safe to assume no one will be fooled by the actors' performance into thinking that Martians are invading the Earth.

'There will be a neat nostalgic payoff,' he said. 'But I doubt people will be panicking.'

Mike Gerhard, a Ball State professor of telecommunications, will lead a pre-broadcast discussion about Welles' broadcast version of H.G. Wells' science fiction tale, and the fear it sparked. Another professor will make a presentation on Welles and his career.

The new production, a partnership between Indiana Public Radio and Ball State's telecommunications department, will be a live studio broadcast in Pruis Hall that will simultaneously air over local radio waves.

The audience in Pruis Hall will be able to see the mechanics in creating the music and sound effects, including the staff's pre-show preparations.

'When there's a live show, there's often some moments of terror right before the show. Well, the audience gets to see all of that unfold,' said Nancy Carlson, an associate professor of telecommunications at Ball State.

Among some of the sound props are a cylinder that simulates siren noises and a signal generator that amplifies sounds.

Director Brian Boswell had some early trouble trying to find all the 'bells and whistles' for the production. After some research and flea market shopping, he found authentic pieces that he keeps in his 'box of sounds.'

'Some sound effects were easier to do back then because they were available,' he said.

On the Net:

Online audio streaming of the 'The War of the Worlds': www.bsu.edu/ipr


Information from: The Herald Bulletin, http://www.theheraldbulletin.com