(Compiler's note: Dahhhha)
75% of previously deported aliens will break law within 1 year of returning to U.S.
A new study reveals 75 percent of illegal aliens who have been deported will commit another crime within a year of returning to the U.S.
The nonprofit Rand Corporation study followed inmates released from Los Angeles County jail in 2002, according to a Los Angeles Times report. The report revealed aliens who have been deported are far more likely to commit a crime – with 28 percent likely to be arrested three or more times after their release.
Thirty-two percent of illegal aliens who had never been deported were arrested within a year, and 7 percent were arrested more than three times.
While the information reaches as far back as 2002, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and U.S. Department of Homeland Security have stepped up efforts to prevent illegal aliens from returning and committing more crimes.
'If you are trying to target people who are repeatedly cycled through the criminal justice system, this looks like a good risk marker,' author Laura Hickman, a researcher at Portland State University, told the Times. 'It doesn't make sense to just sweep up all deportable aliens, but to focus resources on the group who are at the most risk for committing new crimes in the community.'
While researchers admitted the findings were limited due to inability to confirm the residency status of every prisoner, they followed 517 male illegal aliens between Aug. 4 and Sept. 2, 2002.
L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca told the Times the government must make more of an effort to keep illegal alien offenders from coming back into the U.S.
'Criminals who are illegal immigrants know no limits and no boundaries,' he said. 'The harder we make it for them to get across, the better.' .... 'These are individuals who have shown no respect for our laws and our borders.'