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from WorldNetDaily

Mumbai killers' tactics raise chilling prospect

LONDON – Agents for Britain's MI5 intelligence service have concluded tactics used by the Mumbai terrorists have raised the chilling prospect that they were trained by someone who had acquired his skills in Western special forces – or had obtained its secret manuals on how to launch a full-scale surprise attack against one of the world’s largest cities, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

'We cannot rule out that the training of the killers could have been done by Muslims who had served in the Army, U.S. Special Forces or the Russian Spesnaz,' said an intelligence source.

While MI5 agents try to pin down if Britons actually were involved in the attack, a specialist team is working with the Ministry of Defense to comb the records of all those who served in the army and underwent specialist training.

'There is a possibility we cannot discount that someone would have converted to radical Islamism and taken his military skills to one of the Islamist training camps in the north of Pakistan,' added the intelligence source.

The link with Pakistan has been reinforced through satellite surveillance by the U.S. National Security Agency, which tracked the ships that brought the terrorists close to Mumbai. From the ships, the terrorists launched themselves in small high-speed craft – similar to vessels used by pirates in the Horn of Africa – to enter the busy waterway of Mumbai. As many as 100 came ashore undetected.

Keep in touch with the most important breaking news stories on global terrorism with Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence news source edited and published by the founder of WND.

All the intelligence points to the terrorist units having been given pre-determined targets.

Each unit worked in small numbers, and members were linked to each other by state-of-the-art cell phones.

Some of the units placed explosives in specific target locations. Others seized foreign hostages at key hotels. Their brief was to separate the British and American 'infidels' from others.