After all, 23% of the world's Muslims believe 9/11 was legitimate, from an Islamic point of view.
'Young Midland Muslims support suicide bombings new poll reveals,' from the Sunday Mercury, October 17:
ALMOST a quarter of young Muslims support suicide bombings, according to a shock new poll on an internet website.Apparently a reference to 'moderate' Muslims -- that is, those Muslims playing the waiting game.Radicalised youths from the Midlands are among those to have posted messages backing terrorists on the forum.
One member had started the survey by asking users: “Do you agree with suicide bombings?”
Of those who responded, an alarming 24 per cent said they supported suicide attacks like the 7/7 tube bombings in London and the 9/11 atrocity in America.
One posting on the poll said: “I agree with suicide bombers. They should target Muslims too. They should also target those coward sleeping Muslims.”
Another, calling himself Abu Mubarak, wrote: “I don’t particularly subscribe to the suicide bombings myself, if I were to go into battle, I would want to die in a blaze of gunfire, not by pushing a button.'Traditionalist.'
“I will not say it is suicide, nor condemn them, or say they are cowards, or the rest of that nonsense, because it is NOT suicide, it is a form of fighting that instils a great terror into the hearts of the koffar (non-believers).”Others argued that suicide bombings were unacceptable, with one contributor saying: “I don’t regard people who blow themselves up in market places packed with non-combatants as legitimate Mujahideen...