U.S. Homeland Security (Government & Private) Market Outlook - 2007-2011
Written by RC_Anderson
his new research report provides the only detailed and reasoned roadmap of this complex market - both government and private sectors. This market research provides an exclusive insight into the vibrant HLS industry and its future. The research drills down in many areas and brings to light a plethora of new angles and business opportunities including:
Private Sector Markets - $28.5 Billion of HLS products and services are forecasted to be procured from the HLS industry during 2007-2011 by the private sector. These markets are analyzed and segmented by industry sector (e.g. banking & finance, chemical & HAZMAT, energy, water) and products/services category procured (e.g. perimeter protection systems, cyber terror security, biometric systems).
110th Congress Implication - The implications of the 110th Democratic Congress on HLS markets are incorporated in the report analysis and forecasts.
Top 10 Leading HLS Industry Sectors - Ten HLS industry sectors are forecasted to each total over $8.5 billion cumulative 5 year revenues. An in-depth market analysis and forecast of each of these top 10 leading sectors (e.g. Airport Security, Port & Maritime Security, Information Technology, Perimeter & Border Protection, Cyber-security) is provided.
Top 10 Fast Growth HLS Industry Sectors - Revenues of 10 HLS industry sectors are forecasted to grow by 60% to 400% during 2007-2011. Each of these fast growth sectors (e.g. RFID Systems, Nuclear Screening Portals, Communication Interoperability, Bio-Chem. Agents Detection & Mitigation) is analyzed by procurement programs, technology and market outlook.
U.S. Government Markets - The cumulative $123 Billion U.S. government HLS five year forecasted procurement schedule is segmented by the 20 HLS leading agencies. Each agency HLS’ activity, strategic missions and markets is analyzed.