Those of you who read the comments here may be familiar with a commenter named 'Abdullah Mikail,' who is an American convert to Islam. This delightful gentleman sends me emails from time to time, in which more than once he has issued veiled threats to this site. And why not? How do you attempt to 'strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah' (Qur'an 8:60) while sitting comfortably behind a computer screen? Abdullah, bless his little heart, is doing his level best to find a viable answer to that question, and he at least deserves points for effort.
After railing against FrontPage Magazine for awhile, he added this:
...another blog I know of will go down rather suddenly.
Uh, gosh, which one, Abdullah? He himself kindly provides the answer in an earlier email:
Jihad Watch...clock's ticking, games almost up, what to do when the curtain comes down? does wonder?
Apparently our friend has forgotten that it is Muslim women, not men, who wear veils (unless, of course, we're talking about cowards who don burqas to flee the cops or noble mujahedin putting in practice Muhammad's timeless dictum, 'war is deceit'). But anyway, is Abdullah threatening a cyber attack (which, after all, has just been given sanction by some of the foremost scholars in Sunni Islam) or some frivolous legal action? Another veiled threat he sent hinted at the latter:
I only question you. Have you followed all the rules? The wonderful thing about law, Robert, is that it is written down and anyone with a mind and reason can understand them if one applies ones self to the matter. So I ask, have you followed all the rules...every single one the last nuance of the letter and intent of the law? And I am speaking of US law. Hind sight is 20/20. Some day, and maybe soon, you may remember that comment of mine and then understanding will dawn like a new day for you, although I feel your face will not shine then, yet only frown.
Uh, have I broken any laws, Abdullah? Well, if the Organization of the Islamic Conference gets its way and criminalizes all criticism of Islam, including examination of how jihadists use Islamic teachings to justify their action and gain recruits, then you can have me hauled off to jail. But until then, the answer is no.
But anyway, if Jihad Watch suddenly disappears, folks, for information look for our friend the 'moderate' threat-issuer Abdullah Mikail. He'll be the one in the burqa.