CSIA Foundation

Nearly 10,000 people have signed a petition calling on Congress to conduct hearings to examine extremist materials in American mosques.

We're adding about 500 new names each day. Thank you all.

But if 10,000 people have signed, that means at least 30,000 of you, our members, have not yet signed this very important petition.

By taking just a few moments to add your name to this petition, you are taking important action against the threat of Jihad.

The reason is that the threat of Jihad, found throughout the holy books of Islam and in countless texts based upon those holy books, typically is followed by the reality of Jihad.

For instance, the Fiqh Us Sunnah, a text that has been found in numerous mosques in this country, perhaps even in your own community, proclaims on page 227 of the English translation:

'The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and his Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is this: Execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off the hands and feet from opposite sides...'

That means YOU! Why? Because the holy books of Islam teach that every 'unbeliever' - kafir - who refuses to submit to Allah is an enemy who in effect is waging war against Allah.

That's why the areas of the world not yet controlled by Islam are called dar al-Harb - 'the house of war.' Jihad - war - has already been declared on us.

Are these and other jihadist passages mere rhetoric that we can afford to ignore?

Or does the 1,400 year history of Islamic jihad, which has been based on the jihadist ideology found in the Islamic holy books, and in which 270 million people have died, warn us that we should take these threats seriously?

So please don't delay. Signing the petition is easy, and we won't reveal your personal contact information. And we don't rent or sell any of our names to anyone.

We need every one to sign this petition and set a standard for the rest of the country to aspire to, because we plan on hand-delivering this petition to Congress in the fall.

To sign this petition today, simply click here. And when you do, please follow the simple instructions to forward the petition to everyone you know.

Who among us can possibly know the ultimate impact of taking just a few moments to add our names to this petition?

Thank you for taking action today!