Ladies and Gentlemen:
I just sent the below missive to my elected representatives. Unfortunately, I don’t expect any action. They are busy as I write, changing into their ‘vacation’ attire. As you may discern from my tone, I think they are a bunch of dunderheads who are more interested in themselves than the needs of the Nation. I got the idea to do this from a retired soldier friend of mine,
Here is what I sent to each of them:
Dear Senator/Representative,
When can we out here in the hinter-lands expect the Congress to lift the ban on Off Shore Drilling? You have done nothing, but you are going to take a vacation?
It does not take a rocket scientist to realize increasing domestic supply will reduce the massive outflow of wealth, and, as evidenced by the market’s reaction to the President’s recent action in lifting the executive ban on offshore drilling, will reduce costs of fossil fuels while this nation gets moving on alternative energy sources.
I agree with a starting point recommended by Mr T. Boone Pickens. 'Natural gas and wind generated electricity.” A friend of mine suggested to me the other day and I feel it merits passing along to you, maybe a good starting place for the wind generators might be in a close proximity to Capitol Hill, at least some of the ineffective rhetoric (hot air) coming out of that facility might be put to good use!
When will some meaningful business be conducted for the people of this Republic in that facility instead of the constant bipartisan bickering and profiling for reelection.
Bottom line is simple; do we need a massive changing of faces in the Congress to get anything accomplished? I am tired of hearing the old platitudes about having a ‘comprehensive plan’ before we do anything. That is just the traditional
One T-d off voter, (slight modification to this last sentence by this compiler)