Analyst's note: Absolutely must see. Being discussed here is the same -- extremely dangerous -- Muslim Brotherhood that infiltrated both the GOP and Democrat parties. This is yet another warning about the Muslim Brotherhood for your consideration. We can also see some of the dangers of the brotherhood operating within the U.S. and within our gov't and other institutions ... all improperly protected under our freedom of religion concepts ... as they serve as the most insideous vanguard in the wave of Islamist, jihad and sharia to destroy our nation from within as they work to build a caliphate. Islamism is absolutely a potent ideology that is promises to be a threat to this Unites States for the foreseeable future. I must also add that with the Muslim Brotherhood, there IS NO middle way, they must be recognized as an enemy and removed from our country.
Instead our own FBI is busy purging its training materials of all traces of truth about Islam and jihad Just for openers, American citizens and certainly our leadersmust understand some of the basic tenets of Islam - for example:
- Abrogation [verses that come later in the Quran, chronologically (not necessarily sequentially), supersede, or abrogate, the earlier ones. In effect, this results in the more moderate verses of the Meccan period being abrogated by the later, violent, Medinan verses. “When we cancel a message, or throw it into oblivion, we replace it with one better or one similar. Do you not know that God has power over all things?” (Quran 2:106)],
- Under "taqiyya," It is permissible for a Muslim to lie, especially to non-Muslims, to safeguard himself personally or to protect Islam
- Any system of man-made law is considered illicit under Islamic law, for whose adherents Allah already has provided the only law permitted, shariah. Islam and democracy can never co-exist in harmony
- Apostasy under the established ruling of shariah is that apostates are to be killed wherever they may be found.
- Understanding that jihad is warfare to spread Islam
- There is the belief that Islam is superior to every other culture, faith, government, and society and that it is ordained by Allah to conquer and dominate them. We must understand that in shariah law, slander means anything that might offend a Muslim.
- Antisemitism is intrinsic to shariah and is based on the genocidal behavior of Mohammed himself in wiping out the entire Jewish population of the Arabian Peninsula
- Shariah explicitly relegates women to a status inferior to men
- We must come to understand all these things and much, much more.
We must also understand our own Declaration of Independence, and U.S. Constitution ... not just read them once, but really understand.
Thought you'd like to know that Mr. Barack Hussan Obama's White House is purging OUR federal government records that describe Muslims as embracing violence and is using our FBI to do it. Now why would they possibly do that? Could it be the fact that Mohamed Elibiary (Muslim Brotherhood Member) on DHS Staff with Security Clearance has Undermined our Nat'l Security ... I'm just saying.
Why do we think the Islamists now operating inside our White House will change their core doctrine of world supremacy? We can see what they are doing in the world and we can read their documents and clearly see that they are NOT simply disgruntled Christians or Jews with the typical religious "tensions."
From an article titled "Obama's 'Teachable' Shariah Moment" by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. (from Family Security Matters) and found on this website by searching the word "miserable" we learn the following: " [...] we know from uncontested evidence [...] the Muslim Brotherhood's mission in America is "destroying Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions."
This is the same Muslim Brotherhood that we pay its multiple members to represent us overseas. You don't have to be a Rhodes scholar to see what might be wrong with this picture. This would be like in WWII if we hade payed members of the Nazi S.S to represent us overseas.
Shariah, the Threat to America: An exercise in competitive analysis, Report of Team 'B'" II"Team B II" Wants Islamist Penetration of U.S. Government Investigated
For yet additional insight and perspective, please do an internal site search on the following terms: "Soros", "Progressive", "Czar", "Socialist" and "Responsibility to Protect". I also strongly recommend an internal site search on the terms of "Team B II" "sharia", "information warfare", "jihad", "Islamist", "Salafists", "Dhimmi", "Achilles Heel", "Tawfik", "Phares", "Muslim Brotherhood", "Caliphate", "Iran", "Hawala", "Cordoba", "Moderate Muslim", and "CAIR" for yet additional needed insight gathered over time on this site.