Analyst's note: Absolutely must read and carefully consider. We've been warning of an on-going alliance between the "progressives," the Islamist (including 50 imams), and the New Black Panthers. Here is further evidence. Don't just take my word for it, listen to the "National Black Panther Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz gave chilling remarks on Black Panther Radio Saturday concerning the nature and business of a secretive meeting between himself, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Minister Louis Farrakhan. The meeting, according to him, took place on September 27, 2010 in New York, NY during the Iranian president’s controversial visit to the UN. The details of the meeting have never been publicly revealed, but new audio uncovered by The Blaze this week details the nature of the monsters’ ball and the scary axis that was formed after the meeting:" Much is being planned for America that is not going to be good for this nation. I wonder how much longer this United States will be able to "keep its head in the sand." Now who could possibly be funding and supporting this? Hmmmmm.....
" [....] Theses new alliances cast an even darker shadow in the wake of alarming new statements from those parties involved. As [....] Minister Farrakhan has warned whites lately that “their end has come” and has encouraged President Obama to convert to Islam. The New Black Panthers have been fomenting racial hatred in recent weeks, threatening to hang whites and promising hostility after the presidential election. Ahmadinejad is getting close to becoming capable of nuclear warfare, and regularly calls for the destruction of Israel and America. All three are linked by their Islamist roots, a connection not to be taken lightly given the rise of radical Islam throughout the Arab world.
[....] – “Understand the dynamics and the politics of world revolution, and understand what’s most important when you decide what meetings that you will have to attend. Like I‘m gon’ say no. They call me and ask me to go to the meeting.”
– “I’m a Muslim, first of all I’m a Muslim I go anywhere in the Muslim world. I don’t put Islam and Muslim alliances over black people — I don’t put nothing over black people — but hell if I go and talk to somebody about perhaps bringing natural gas and oil and other reparations into the black nation, and other things – unmentionable — what does a negro have to say about it? He ain‘t even dreamed of doing some of what we’ve encountered in that hotel.”
– “I spoke strong in that meeting. There [were] fifty Imams in the meeting; I’m the only representative of a secular, or a non-religious organization. I’m sitting all the way nearly in the, at the big table in the back with these translator headphones on and everything, and Minister Farrakhan is sitting in the first seat in the front.”
– “You know, there is no greater enemy than the white man. You know, uh, again we have to learn because it’s just as many Arabs who hate this white man as we do. So, am I not to ally myself, alliance myself with this Arab in fighting this white man?“