Analyst's note: Absolutely must see and take the time to hear the comments in this moving video as parents describe the cost of freedom and our Rules of Engagement (ROE). Please help get this message out .... pass it on!
It is no wonder that good men and women who wear the uniform in the service of our country sometimes mentally resist (PTSD) the reality of this war they must fight under the strategy of counterinsurgency (COIN), as they are lead by on-site "leaders" who are too often politically correct, and who are being heavily influenced if not guided from on high by the enemy in its various forms. Note that the Muslim Brotherhood has deeply 'infiltrated' inside U.S. gov't. They are preparing the way for the rise of this Islamic kingdom or caliphate.
See The basics about Islam... and you and also note in ‘The Project’ Part I — All Totalitarian Ideologies Are Threat to U.S.
Please do an internal site search on "John Bernard" for additional perspective on this critical topic.
Under the tutelage of the Muslim Brotherhood that has infiltrated and/or indoctrinated our highest levels of gov't to include our White House, National Security Council, Congress, Department of State, Department of Defense, FBI and Department of Homeland Security, etc., this administration has provided our Islamist enemies the surety and timetable of American forces withdrawal from the Middle East. The Islamist enemy thus had two choices: (1) to wait us out or (2) to destroy as many of our sons and daughters as possible while our nation retreats. The Islamists actions underway show clearly their choice.
The debate over the success or failure of the operation in Afghanistan is now underway and you can bet there will be a healthy conversation about the efficacy of Counter Insurgency (COIN) doctrine. Between political correctness and the advice and consulting being received throughout our federal government, we continue to produce "strategic thinking pigmies" who can not see farther than the false idea they believe they created.
Those in our federal government must come to appreciate that We the People understand what they have done and continue to perpetrate. We demand these "leaders" change or they will be changed, never again to "serve." In short, those who continue to support and defend this willful deception described in this article must be held accountable in our nation's courts. Political correctness, in its many variants continues to kill the citizens of this great nation and destroy our national security.
For additional insight, I also recommend an internal site search on the terms of "political correctness", "COIN", "Islam" "Jihad" and "Muslim Brotherhood". In order not to further detract from the truthful and considered message of my friend and associate, John Bernard, I simply add my words of Amen and Semper Fidelis.