Analyst's note: This article is about greed, political correctness, fraud and ultimately about treason involving a number of American companies as well as the American Bar Association as they participate in another form of dhimmitude with a cunning Islamist enemy.
Americans are Funding the Islamist Enemy
May I recommend Islamic Finance 101: Brown Bagging Shariah at the DC Bar. You will want to read Shariah Finance Watch. Some are unwittingly contributing to the destruction of the U.S. Constitution through sharia and zakat. Others know exactly what they are doing to take down our United States. Yes, the Muslim Brotherhood is involved as they push politically correct concepts on this issue, along with their lies. This is jihad with money ... working to destroy America from within. For additional insight please click here.
For a more in-depth look at Shariah, see Shariah: The Threat to America, a report by 19 top national security practitioners– including the former Director of Central Intelligence, the former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, and the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Shariah: The Threat to America (Report of Team B II) is available on paperback and Kindle at Why wait until it is too late on a central issue regarding our national security? Lets stop sharia now!
"In Tennessee last May, Republican Gov. Bill Haslam appointed Samar Ali as international director of the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (ECD). Attempts to connect her to stealth jihad have been ridiculed. Yet when one connects the dots between Ali and several organizations and individuals, a number of troubling relationships arise, especially regarding the phenomenon known as Sharia-compliant finance (SCF).
SCF is best explained by Deroy Murdock in a 2008 column: “Turn your clock back 70 years. Imagine that Wall Street banks and brokerages sold Nuremberg-compliant bonds and stock funds in 1938,” he writes. “American Nazi sympathizers bought financial instruments certified by Berlin-based advisors as free of ‘Jewish profits’ from, say, Salomon Brothers and Bloomingdale’s.”
That’s the first half the equation. Then comes the far more important second half. “In turn, a percentage of such funds’ gains underwrote pro-Nazi charities, like the German-American Bund, and similar organizations in the Fatherland, like the Hitler Youth.” In short, Murdock is using an apt analogy to illuminate the true nature of SCF: it is a money-laundering operation used to underwrite international terrorism." [....]