Analyst's note: Absolutely must read. We are watching the implementation of failing U.S. foreign policy and the resulting strategies impact the world ... likely for our life-time. Dr. Tawfik Hamid, points out that "Many Egyptians now believe that the US is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood’s (MB) attempt to enforce an Islamist agenda on the country. And many of them are asking why the US supported the ousting of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak when it actually went against US interests in the region?" In short Dr. Hamid believes that " Please read the primary source for a recommended solution. pitchfork
For additional perspective I also recommend the following articles:
Shariah, The Threat to America, An exercise in competitive analysis
Power and Today's Post American President
Improperly Quoting the Qur'an - Does NOT Lead to Understanding Extremists' Messaging Tactics
'Fifth Column' Islamist agents walk among us
Even Congress Begins to Understand that Muslim Brotherhood is advising Obama
Muslim Brotherhood has deeply 'infiltrated' inside U.S. gov't
Are Our Elected American Representatives leading us to another 'Operation Frequent Wind'?
Walid Phares: Understanding 9/11 & Our Enemies
Will the U.S. understand the Muslim Brotherhood before it is too late?icy Studies.