Analyst's note: America can not ignore the multiple threats posed by the Iranian regime to include the use of an electomagnetic pulse (EMP). It has a missile base in Venezuela, it is building nukes, and it is openly calling for a jihad against the USA. Just remember that it doesn't necessarily take a lot of missiles if they are properly employed. Please also read this article posted here. I'm talking here about the possiblity of approximately 90% of Americans dead following a simple, yet effective attack in which America has AT MOST 33 mins from launch to impact: Then total silence.
Attempts to reason with such irrational religious-based fanaticism will always fail. BTW, it doesn't matter what we think ... these people believe this stuff.
The analysis for the timing of the Coming of the last imam is quite concerning. The prevailing religion of Islam in various regions of the world has been kept 'off the table' when most American analysts have been tasked with mapping out demographics and cultural idiosyncrasies because of complaints lodged by the Muslim Brotherhood. It is well past time to understand the tribes, nations and peoples governed by Islam and sharia and who, for whatever reason have submitted to it's precepts and tenets.
Since it's inception in 624, Islam and its followers have left a wake of death, devastation and slavery. Slowed for a brief period during the 12th - 15th centuries, the mark it has left is one of poverty, civil strife and ignorance.
Islam has paved the way for autocratic leaders in places like Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, and now Iran. Islam has in any form sought to stifle freedom and self-determination. It's world-wide mandates have forced submission to Allah and the tools recommended by it's deity for that purpose include ritual murder, rape, and enslavement. Because of it ritualized use of lies and deceit when dealing with the Infidel they insure that there can absolutely be no confidence in any treaty or agreement made with or signed by an adherent of Islam.
After watching this video, then I simply can not recommend strongly enough that you read "Shariah, the Threat to America: An exercise in competitive analysis, Report of Team 'B'" II
Also click here for additional information on this topic. Are you able to recognize the pattern?
In 1784 our Continental Congress appointed a special commission consisting of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, to oversee negotiations with the four Barbary States in order to stop their Islamist warlord known as "Dey of Algiers, from attacking our ships and enslaving our Christian crews. Following his study of the Koran, Jefferson came to clearly understand that war -- not a doctrine of Counter Insurgency (COIN) -- was the only way to put an end to the "Muslim problem."
Jefferson's victory over the Muslims lives on today in the Marine Hymn, with the line, "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, We fight our country's battles in the air, on land and sea." I ask you, "What has really changed?" Semper Fidelis.
It is time to understand that these people do NOT at all think in the same manner as we do. I highly recommend and internal site search on the term "12th imam" and then "Islamist" for additional perspective.
"Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has held several secret meetings with his economic and military advisers in recent days to prepare for the possibility of war with the United States.
Sources report the preparations are to include the execution of those Iranians who oppose the regime.
[.... ] According to SepahOnline, sources within the Vali’eh Amr, the revolutionary forces in charge of the supreme leader’s protection, report that Khamenei held several meetings in recent days at which the leader instructed his advisers to tighten the grip on anyone who opposes or might oppose the regime in case of war.
These actions include investigations of every person or group that was pro-regime but now hold opinions contrary to regime policies. Also being created is a list, to be presented to Khamenei, to decide the fate of any opponents.
It also was decided that those political prisoners who will not repent will be executed, the sources said.
[....] Journalists, writers and publishers who are deemed to be against the regime would be arrested and punished. Even high religious authorities who do not fully support Khamenei will be put under surveillance and dealt with if they become outspoken about the direction of the country.
Several journalists already have been arrested in the past week.
[....] This news comes in light of the formation of the “Removal Committee,” which secretly would eliminate all deemed as opponents, even within the military and the government.
Khamenei’s extraordinary measures are based either on an understanding that war could be imminent or that the regime has decided to announce it has nuclear capability and is getting ready for a possible reaction from Israel or America.
Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, an influential cleric and a radical Twelver, previously had stated that Khamenei ascends to the sky every year to take direction from Imam Mahdi, and sources close to the cleric have disclosed that Khamenei has been ordered by Imam Mahdi to continue with the nuclear program despite worldwide objection as it will facilitate his coming.
Last March, a Iranian secret documentary, “The Coming Is Upon Us,” was revealed to depict Khamenei as the mythical figure who creates the environment for the reappearance of Mahdi by leading Iran to destroy Israel.