Analyst's note: As I have projected here before, I expect to see significant "voter fraud" issues with this upcoming election.
Recent Judicial Watch investigation reveals nearly $800,000 in funding to fraudulent voter registration organization ACORN despite federal law prohibiting that very thing.
The now infamous and proven fraudulent ACORN organization, the same group responsible for countless phony voter registrations, and who enjoyed strong support from then-candidate Barack Obama in 2007 and 2008 to the tune of a million dollars in contributions, appears to still be enjoying strong support from now President Obama despite a federal ban on funding the far left community activist group.
In July of 2011, Judicial Watch tied nearly $80,000 in federal monies to a newly formed group calling itself AHCOA. (Affordable Housing Centers of America) This organization is actually ACORN – same group, different name. Judicial Watch then traced another $730,000 in federal money having gone to AHCOA/ACORN. It should also be noted that Barack Obama is a former employer of ACORN – having worked with its Project Vote group in the 1990′s.
[....] Read the full Judicial Watch Report HERE
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