CSIA Foundation

You can misuse American nuclear technology and secretly develop nuclear weapons; you can test those weapons; you can build a nuclear arsenal in defiance of the United Nations resolutions, and you will be welcomed as someone exhibiting good behavior with an agreement with the United States of America,
U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), during debate on the U.S.-Indian nuclear trade deal.

U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) defended a civilian nuclear trade deal with India that the Senate is expected to vote on today (Alex Wong/Getty Images).


U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) defended a civilian nuclear trade deal with India that the Senate is expected to vote on today (Alex Wong/Getty Images).
Senate Vote Expected Today on Indian Nuclear Pact

The U.S. Senate is expected to vote today on a deal that would allow civilian nuclear trade between the United States and India for the first time in three decades, the Associated Press reported (see GSN, Sept. 30).

The pact would allow India to buy U.S. nuclear fuel and equipment in exchange for allowing international inspectors to visit its civilian nuclear facilities. ..Full Story

(Compiler's note: Interesting read)

Anne Laurent

Ugh. That giant sucking sound again, this time as millions of us hear our retirement savings swirl down the drain.


Part One

VIENNA (Reuters) - U.S. non-proliferation campaigners launched an agency on Monday aimed at sharing information to improve security at the world's nuclear sites.

Addresses preparedness areas of concern raised by public health authorities

As fears continue to grow over the emergence of a pandemic strain of influenza in the near future—mutations of several strains other than H5N1 have given rise to increased worry—a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) program has awarded $24 million to 29 state and local public health departments to fund 55 projects to come up with innovative approaches for influenza pandemic preparedness, including several preparedness areas of concern that have been raised by numerous public health officials and planners.....