There's a new land grab starting in America.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, according to a new report from Congress.
Plans for New York City's high-tech defense are beginning to coalesce; the NYPD wants license plate readers and radiation monitors scanning every vehicle entering Manhattan island, and a ring of checkpoints and concrete around the rebuilt World Trade Center site.
Peter LaBarbera, founder of Republicans for Family Values, says a recent letter from the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee to a homosexual activist group confirms the extremism of his positions.
'He advocates the full repeal of DOMA, which goes farther than Hillary Clinton, who only recommended repealing part of the Defense of Marriage Act,' note LaBarbera. 'He's talking about opening up the military to homosexuality in a time of war. He's talking about 'gay' adoption -- putting children in homes that are intentionally fatherless or intentionally motherless, and using the White House bully pulpit to do that.' ....
A new briefing paper from the Economic Policy Institute titled The China Trade Toll [PDF document] says that since China entered the World Trade Organization in 2001 our China trade policy 'has had a devastating effect on U.S. workers and the domestic economy.'