CSIA Foundation


... What the ACLU is basically saying is “sure, our guys may have supported the terrorists in the old days, before they were labeled a terrorist group but where’s your evidence of recent activity?” If they had recent evident the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and its affiliate organization, the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) wouldn’t be un-indicted co-conspirators but would have been up on charges of their own.

The ACLU is one of the most dangerous organizations in this country today. Their defense of our enemies is mind boggling and possibly treasonous. I, for one, can’t wait to see them brought up on charges of sedition and tossed in Gitmo to watch some guard try to flush their holy book down the commode.

Slow jihad? Dissimulation and creeping sharia? Al-Qaeda can't drive 55. 'Al-Qaida urges Muslims to kill Saudi king for hosting interfaith dialogue,' from the Associated Press, July 28:

...It all started when the 46-foot sport-fishing boat Senor Hefe chugged out of San Diego at three in the morning ... and blundered into an improperly lit, circular tuna 'cage' net being towed by a Mexican commercial fishing boat. Though not seriously damaged, Senor Hefe's crew found itself trapped in a ring of metal bars, in international waters. 'We all think were in some sort of crazy dream,' one fisherman recalled.

The Mexican fishermen were powerless to help, so the Americans radioed the Coast Guard. But before the Coasties could arrive, a Mexican Navy patrol boat appeared (pictured), its crew wielding Uzis and bad attitudes. Mexican sailors started cutting away portions of the cage, preparing to board Senor Hefe -- a big no-no in international waters. ...

The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) annual preparedness grants for fiscal year 2008 will stress the dangers of improvised explosive devices (IED), reports CQ.com (subscription only).