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- Written by Robert Anderson
Analyst's note: We agree .....
“At some point, ... 'you’ve got to recognize evil when evil is right in your face, and Hamas is evil. The Qataris are evil.'
[....] The liberal media regularly omits details favorable to Israel, preferring instead to serve as the propaganda arm of the militants. Barack Obama says that the terrorists have “legitimate claims” and blames Israel for civilian deaths caused by Palestinian policies. John Kerry inserts himself into a peace process where he is not wanted and takes the side of the terrorists."
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- Written by Robert Anderson
Analyst's note: Absolutely must see. Now what on earth is this all about? You be the judge. I ask, "By what authority?"
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- Written by Robert Anderson
Analyst's note: Absolutely must see. It is imperative for American citizens to once again seriously consider our nation's Constitution, without which we will be unable to restore our representative government. Please share.
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- Written by Robert Anderson
Analyst's note: Everyone in England said to be petrified
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- Written by Robert Anderson
Analyst's note: Absolutely must read and carefully consider. Just remember, we shared this warning clear and straight. Yes, I know, but trust me the Islamic jihadist leadership already thought of it. The liberal elites and progressive feds are not alarmed, but in my opinion we should be. Read on and find out why.
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- Written by Robert Anderson
Analyst's note: What kind of warped, demented minds would consider weaponizing such a disease? What if an ebola infected person comes into the U.S., but NOT through our highly controlled medical venue? Lets just say they cross the border with Mexico and present themselves (illegal immigrant showing just a fever or Islamic jihadist with an aerosol "deodorant") to our border patrol. As for the "not to worry" statements about Ebola not spreading here in the U.S., maybe it is just my field of work, but I am concerned. I certainly am not in the medical field, but I know this much to be true.
"Allegedly the ebola carriers will be quarantined in special rooms. But we already know that American hospitals cannot even contain staph infections. http://rt.com/usa/177408-nightmare-bacteria-antibiotic-southeast/ What happens to the utensils, plates, cups, and glasses with which the ebola infected persons eat and drink? And who gets to clean the bed pans? One slip-up by one person, one tear in a rubber glove, and the virus is loose."
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- Written by Robert Anderson
Analyst's note: We need to remove Obama for "serial fraud" ... and that charge is just for starters BEFORE he sinks this great nation. Hear the specifics as what informed, patriotic Americans are saying. We are getting exactly the government we put up with. Guess who is still in control, IF ...?
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- Written by Robert Anderson
Analyst's note: "If it ain't broke, Obama will fix it till it is." I don't know who said it, but it is true. Considering the events on-going in the world today, to include Muslim Brotherhood operatives advising some of our key defense related government agencies (White House - DoD, CIA, Congress, etc.), it is distressing to see this downsizing an then to also see the IRS Laundering Veterans Disability Checks... This all has to be by design as no one could be this incompetent. Whatever the reason, we have a gov't out of control. Our nation's citizens will pay for years, both in blood and treasure, for this sick administration and their 'useful idiots.' With a downsized military force, in order to maintain our national security, the few remaining United States forces will likely need a few more Jihad-Deterring Pork-Infused Bullets...JIHAWG. Semper Fidelis!