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- Written by Robert Anderson
Since July 2004, Washington has failed to act against the highly likely Electromagnic Pulse (EMP) threat. Natural or manmade, an EMP catastrophe could kill up to 90 percent of the national population through starvation, disease, and societal collapse from a nationwide blackout lasting one year. In addition, the Department of Defense has testified to Congress that DoD cannot project power overseas or perform its homeland security mission without electric power from the national grid. The EMP threat from Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran is real. Our nation must work NOW to protect our electric grid from a high-altitude nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack, from a natural EMP generated by a solar super-storm and from other EMP threats including radiofrequency weapons. We note that Iran has already built an EMP filter that protects country's vital organizations against cyber attack. America has AT MOST 33 minutes from enemy launch to total silence. We must remember that It just got worse again, secret side deals with Iran and their nuke deal.
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- Written by Robert Anderson
Former Sen. Ted Kennedy's expansive visa programs and now expanded by Barack Hussein Obama's make it 'impossible to track them all.' We note that, "While some may enter with questionable backgrounds, the chances are greater that they will get radicalized after they arrive." In addition to social costs extend well beyond the cost of providing welfare benefits. Americans are now paying for this treason with our own blood and the blood of our families. We'd best get ready because much more mayhem is headed our way as a result of Islam. FBI Director James Comey’s dire warning to Congress several weeks before the Chattanooga attack clearly stated with “... obviously deep concern, that his agency is simply incapable of managing the threats now proliferating across the entire country,” BREAKING: Navy Officer, Marine Returned Fire in Chattanooga – MAY HAVE KILLED TERRORIST With Restricted Weapons (Updated)
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- Written by Robert Anderson
This group of material regarding "Jade Helm 2015" is not easily found. The on-going liberty movement among American citizens is tired of being called a terrorist. The belief is "In God we trust, all others we check."
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- Written by Robert Anderson
Open and see if you discover any federal activity with which you disagree. The task should not be too hard.
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- Written by Robert Anderson
Abortion, with all its heartaches, to say nothing of the destruction of life, continues to rise alarmingly. As pointed out by my friend Dr. Jim Hendershot, "Our taxes are supporting this barbaric act sponsored by our government, helping in crushing their skulls and hawking their parts for cash!"
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- Written by Robert Anderson
You Can’t Keep Up with Obama’s Incompetence, Corruption, and Hyperactivity and treason. No we learn that Barack Hussein Obama wants the databases operational before he leaves office. Much of the information will be posted online. We also note that an Intel officer warns U.S. of 'digital Pearl Harbor' Says Chinese have Trojan horse systems already inside America's infrastructures. Mr Shaffer said the Chinese, whom current U.S. intelligence has implicated in the hacking of the critical databases of the Office of Personnel Management, did so without detection, raising the prospect that they also could sabotage such critical infrastructures as the national grid, finance and banking system, telecommunications and others which depend on Internet access. What could possibly go wrong?
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- Written by Robert Anderson
There is no such thing as a 'lone gunman' in Islam. As we experience the Islamic jihad, when are we here in America going to stop looking for ties to ISIS and realize the root cause is the Koran and the associated teachings of Islam? ‘It’s So Insane’ a ‘Phobia’ Has Prevented Authorities From Pursuing This." All this while Exploding Muslim immigration overwhelms FBI. Out of concern for the President it is time to turn the White House into a "Gun Free Zone."
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- Written by Robert Anderson
As a nation, we now face-to-face with a great peril - when blatant and outrageous lies are no longer sufficient to soothe the electorate into complacency, our government must begin to curtail liberty and oppress the people in order to sustain itself, an approach with which both Democrats and Republicans find agreement.